A method to override external domain name resolution in coredns

There are occasions when you must have more control over the domain name resolution that is taking place inside a…

Retrospectives: The Fuel to Continuous Improvement

Continuous Improvement is often an abstract and vague term to describe better ways of working. Within the context of…

Zinkworks Education Programme – Berchris’s Experience

Before I joined Zinkworks I was always interested in doing a masters degree in my field but found it hard to get the…

image of Declan

Changing Careers – Declan’s Experience

Here is what Scrum Master Declan McDaid has to say about his experience changing his career path to join the tech world…

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Zinkworks Innovation Team

The Innovation Team is the research and development side of Zinkworks, there is a mixture of senior developers who have…

Becoming Zinkworks

We are an industrious group of relentlessly curious imagineers, on a mission to create new technologies that will help…